PARKIMETER awarded by Cecot

The start-up has more than 400 parking spaces has been funded by ENISA Thanks to PARKIMETER, customers and users get through their website / app, find and book parking so convenient, and fast. PARKIMETER project attached to the banking network, has achieved a new...


Business Angels Network de Catalunya present a la propera trobada de ICT Milà que se celebrarà els dies 25 i 26 d’Octubre La ITA, la Agencia Italiana per al Comerç Exterior, ofereix l’oportunitat de fer prospecció de projectes TIC a Milà, tot donant a conèixer noves...


Business Angels Network de Catalunya will attend the next Connecting ICT Forum to be held the 25th and the 26th of October The Italian Trade Agency offers the opportunity to survey ICT projects in Milan, while presenting new opportunities for Business Angels across...